Aïssé N’Diaye is the creator of the brand Afrikanista.  The brand was launched in 2014 with a vision to pay tribute to Africans from previous generations, especially her parents.  N'Diaye is of Mauritanian heritage and her brand pays a particular focus on sub-Saharan Africa. She said the vision of the brand stems from 4 main themes.  

1. The iconic African photographs in every family home.  Those old pictures that carry a little bit of a legacy in each family.

2. African proverbs that guide and influence us and our culture.

3. Egyptian hieroglyphs, which are used in the logo of the brand.

4. Funky diva epaulettes to represent the confident woman.

Aïssé N’Diaye.

The designer credits her faith for being a large part of her journey to success. She says that her spirituality is what gives her the faith and courage to persevere with her brand. Looks like her perseverence is paying off.  Beyonce was recently photographed wearing Afrikanista, during her stay in South Africa for the Global Citizen Festival.  When you have someone of that calibur wearing your work, that's got be a spectacular feeling.  

Instagram: @aiko_of_afrikanista

Visit the website www.afrikanista.com to shop.


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